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Cult of Kek
On 6/16/2015, Trump rode a golden escalator down and announced his run for the 2016 presidency.
On 4chan a meme appeared depicting Pepe the Frog with a MAGA hat.
Soon hundreds began to appear until finally this happened:
TRUMP WILL WIN was the 7777 7777th (8 sevens) “get” on 4chan.
This “Get” was reached on 06/19/16 at 07:22.
This began the Prophecy of Kek.
Kek Mythology
In the oldest representations, Kekui is given the head of a serpent, and Kekuit the head of either a frog or a cat. In one scene, they are identified with Ka and Kait; in this scene, Ka-Kekui has the head of a frog surmounted by a beetle and Kait-Kekuit has the head of a serpent surmounted by a disk.[7]
In the Greco-Roman period, Kek's male form was depicted as a frog-headed man, and the female form as a serpent-headed woman, as were all four dualistic concepts in the Ogdoad.
In Egyptian mythology, Kek’s enemy is a serpent-headed woman which 4 chan users used to represent HRC.
Even the wiki about Kek mentions its use for DJT by 4chan:
In relation to the 2016 United States presidential election, individuals associated with online message boards, such as 4chan, noted a similarity between Kek and the character Pepe the Frog. This was later paired with images of Pepe,[8] resulting in a resurgence of interest in the ancient deity.[9]
Believers in Kek say that repeating integers, often called “dubs”, are the prima materia of reality, and that their occurrence invoke the deity.
Elon Musk has made numerous references to Pepe and even to Kek,[10][11] among others within the perceived right wing such as Donald Trump, who tweeted himself as a version of the frog.[12] Believers have cited this as evidence of memetic synchronicity.
Kek can be used to mean LOL in Korean. Kek was used to create the “cult of Kek” that the Clinton campaign foolishly tried to brand a Nazi icon.
Now we get into the next piece of the puzzle, American Pharoah.
In 2015, just before Trump descended the golden escalator, this happened:
You might be wondering about the misspelling of Pharoah. No, that’s not a mistake by newspaper.
American Pharoah was sired from Pioneerof the Nile and grandsired from Empire Maker. It’s tail had been chewed off by Mr. Z. There have been several stories about how the misspelling happened.
The horse was trained by Bob Baffert who was given a two year suspension in 2021.
I’m at my limit for this post. I’ll continue in Part II.